Tuesday, 15 November 2016

New Law for Welsh Landlords and Letting Agents is Here – Are You Ready?

As we just a matter of days away from Rent Smart Wales I thought it would be a good opportunity to recap what the new legislation means and what you will need to do to be compliant.
The law itself means that anyone who owns and rents out private property in Wales will have to register with Rent Smart Wales. All managing landlords and agents will then also have to obtain a licence. This legislation will be enforced from 23rd November 2016. This new legislation will see Wales become the first country in the UK where managing landlords and agents are obliged to undertake training to ensure they are aware of their rights and responsibilities.
Landlord Registration
Every Landlord, even if you don’t find tenants or manage properties yourself, will be required to register.
  • You can register online at www.rentsmart.gov.wales
  • You will need to provide your name, address, rental property, contact details and date of birth
  • To complete the registration process you will be required to pay a fee of £33.50
  • Once you have registered you must ensure you keep your correspondence information and property address up to date
Landlord Licensing
If you find tenants and/or manage at least one property yourself (i.e. collect rent, organise safety certificates, arrange maintenance etc), you will also be required to obtain a licence. In order to apply for the licence you must:
  • Undertake approved training. Licensing training is offered through Rent Smart Wales or you can choose to attend Rent Smart Wales approved training courses delivered by other bodies. There will also be a cost involved.
  • Complete the ‘fit and proper’ declaration
  • Pay the £144.00 fee.
Once the above has been completed and the application submitted it will be assessed to determine if a licence can be granted - which can take up to 8 weeks. Once the licence is granted it will last for 5 years, applicants must keep their information up to date and comply with the conditions of the licence.
Just like landlords, letting agents must also obtain a licence. Strict requirements are in place on agents applying for a licence,
The scheme was bought in by the Welsh Government with the objective of raising the standards of the private rented sector across the country. As previously highlighted Northwood are strong supporters of the new laws and appreciate the many benefits of the scheme.
At Northwood Cardiff we are proud to announce that we have already obtained our Agent licence and are fully compliant with Rent Smart Wales.

If you have any questions feel free to call me on 02920 301141 for free advice.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Heath Property Market – 47 days to sell a Property

In seller's markets, properties tend to sell faster because there are fewer sellers and more buyers. When more than one buyer is trying to buy the same property, that can result in a bidding war with offers received above asking price. While in a buyer's markets, buyers have more choices and can take their time. If the home isn't exactly what a buyer wants, a buyer will pass it over and keep looking. If you are a seller in a buyer's market, patience is key. So are we in a buyer’s or seller’s market? Read on!

Everyone is aware of the vast difference in house prices across Cardiff, and the different rates of price growth (last month I stated Property Values in Heath outperforms Cardiff’s by 15% since 1999) but there is also a gulf between how long the average property takes to sell in one area compared to another.

The average time in Cardiff is 84 days to find a buyer while in Heath it is 47 days, yet the Heath figure masks a wide difference., depending on price, bedrooms or type. I have carried out extensive research over the last six months, looking at properties from every agent and calculating the average time between it going on the market and having a sold status

Looking at Asking Price in Heath -
•    Under £100k – 63 days to find a buyer
•    £100k to £200k  - 49 days to find a buyer
•    £200k to £300k  - 38 days to find a buyer
•    300k upwards – 37 days to find a buyer

Looking at Bedrooms in Heath –
•    One bed – 48 days
•    Two  bed – 51 days
•    Three bed – 33 days
•    4+ bed – 47 days

Looking at Type of property in Heath
•    Detached – 66 days
•    Semi – 39 days
•    Terraced – 37 days
•    Flat – 58 days

With realistically priced properties flying off the shelves and this increase in new properties, this is evidence of strength in the Heath housing market that many didn't expect. Many believed that the Cardiff (and so the Heath) property market wasn't going to be strong enough post-Brexit as what was a sellers' market before the Brexit vote and Buyers' market in the early months after it may now be somewhere in between and the market might just be coming back into balance.

Like many have done throughout the Summer, if you would like to know the value of your Heath property, be it because you are just curious or thinking of moving in the next three to six months, I would be more than happy to pop round and give you a free valuation of your property, without any obligation whatsoever. 

Saturday, 13 August 2016

Rare opportunity on Africa Gardens

Hi everyone! I hope you are all enjoying the sun in this lovely Saturday morning!

Well you don't often come across an end terrace with a garage in Whitchurch Road area of Heath so this is definitely worth a look. It has just come on the market with Zevizo for £285,000.
It's a three bedroom property which looks full of character and some original features. Now while it may not to everyone's taste and may need a little work I think this could be a great buy. It would make an ideal family home as it boasts two good sized reception rooms downstairs and a separate kitchen which even has a dining area and there is a utility room.

I would make sure you arrange a viewing asap before this gem is snapped up

Take a look at some more photos via the link below

Heath Property Values dip by 0.44% in a month

The Land Registry published its latest set of figures last week. On the face of it, Heath property values decreased slightly by 0.44% compared to the month before. The first thing that dropped into my head was – ‘Did Brexit cause this?’

Well these most up to date numbers in terms of property prices, don’t actually relate to August’s figures, but in fact May’s (2016).  Homeowners have up to two months after moving in to register the sale (and purchase price) of the property, hence the slight delay. Also, these people who bought their property in May (for which the numbers relate to), agreed the sale price in January and February  - so in fact, this has nothing to do with Brexit at all.

There was an overall increase in housing market activity in Cardiff, as data from the Land Registry shows that completed property sales in Cardiff actually rose in the Spring. Throughout 2015, the average number of house sales in the City was a constant 460 to 480 a month. In March, that rose to 708. Looking specifically at Heath, March was a busy month for move ins and in April 2016, an impressive 11 properties sold and completed in the suburb. April is not normally a busy month for completions (ie people moving in), but the figures tell another story, amid an

As I write this article, over the last 40 days of the 71 new properties that have come onto  the market in Heath, 24 of those properties have found a buyer and sold subject to contract (or exactly 33.8%). Interestingly, I did the same exercise six months ago, and only 25% of Heath properties had a buyer.
Most of the sales in Heath over the past 12 months were semi detached properties which, on average, sold for £279,470. Heath terraced properties had an average sold price of £210,980 whilst flats averaged at £131,670. Therefore the current average value of a property in Heath stands at £234,400, which is similar in terms of sold prices to nearby Birchgrove at £245,500, but is more expensive than Cardiff (as a whole) at £210,300.

In the past year house prices in Heath were 5% up on the year before and 9% up on 2007 when they averaged at £214,900. I still maintain the view that house prices are likely to rise by around 3 to 4% in Heath in the next 12 months. The reason being is that the rise reflects both strong economic conditions in the City and steady market conditions with (and this is the most important factor) very low numbers of properties on the market. 

Finally, if you want to know what your property is worth in Heath, as we both sell and let property in Heath, if are ever passing by the office on Whitchurch Road, pop in for coffee and let’s have chat about the Heath Property Market it will be good to see you.

Thursday, 28 July 2016

Post-Brexit – What will happen to the Heath Property market?

To predict the future, we must take reference from the past!

Over the last 12 months, Heath, with an overall average price of £233,600, was similar in terms of sold prices to nearby Birchgrove at £229,800, but, as one would expect, was more expensive than Cardiff as a whole at £205,400. Most of the properties selling in Heath over the past 12 months were terraced properties which on average sold for £211,900.  The most expensive was a lovely 3 bed terraced (with additional loft room) and many original features including the lovely tiled floor in the hallway for £275,000. Interestingly, the same property sold in 2002 for just under £130,000, a rise of 115.4% which is quite impressive when compared to the Cardiff average of 103.2%

Looking at Semi detached properties in Heath,  this type of property had an average sold price of £281,300. A lovely example of a bay front inter war semi was on Cefn Carnau Road, which sold for an impressive £380,000 just before Christmas. It has the loft converted to make it a 4 bed and was beautifully presented inside. The property sold previously for £215,000 in 2005, meaning a rise of 76.7%. Impressive when the Cardiff average was a rise 25.6% over the same time frame.

These strong prices all bode well for Heath, especially after the country leaving the EU. Most of the phone calls and emails I received in the last week or so are all about Brexit  and what will happen to t=property prices in Heath.

Confidence and Interest Rates are the killer questions and quite linked. Since 2009, interest rates have been at 0.5% and lots of people have become accustomed to those sorts of levels. However, interest rates in the 1986/88 property boom were on average 9.25%, in the 1990’s they were on average around 6.5% and uber-boom years (when UK property values were rising by 20% a year for three or four straight years across the UK) .. 4.5%. Many of you reading this who are in their 50’s and older will remember interest rates at 15%.

Indeed, I suspect interest rates won’t rise (and will probably drop), as Matt Carney (Chief of the Bank Of England) knows, raising interest rates causes deflation – which is the last thing the British economy needs at the moment. In fact they have been printing money (aka Quantitative Easing) for the last few years (which causes inflation) to the tune of £375bn. A bit of inflation because the pound has slipped on the money markets (not too much mind you) might be a good thing?

.. because whilst property values might drop in the country, they will bounce back.

In previous house price drops, the better areas (like Heath) have always performed better on the bounce back. So if they do drop slightly in the coming months, it’s only a paper loss.. as it only becomes real if you sell. And if you have to sell, again as most people move up market when they sell, whilst your property might have dropped by 5% or 10%, the one you want to buy would have dropped by the same 5% to 10% .. and here is the best part – (and work your sums out) you would actually be better off because the more expensive property you would be purchasing would have come down in value (in actual pound notes) than the one you are selling.

The British population will still increase at a rate that will exceed the current property building level. Britain is building 139,600 properties a year, the country needs to build about 250,000 properties a year to even stand still, and as the birth rate is increasing, the population is living longer and just under a quarter of all UK households now are occupied by a single person demand is only going up whilst supply is stifled.

Greater demand than supply equals higher prices.   Your Heath property is a safe as houses! 

Thursday, 30 June 2016

60% of Cardiff Voters voted to Remain the EU – What now for the 111007 Cardiff Landlords and Homeowners?

As I am sure you are all well aware, the UK voted last Friday to leave the EU. As most of the polls suggested a Remain Vote, it came as a surprise to most people, including the City. 

.. and now the vote has been made .. what next for the 80,965 Cardiff homeowners especially the 44,609 of those Cardiff homeowners with a mortgage?

The Chancellor in the campaign suggested property prices would drop by 18%. Using Treasury estimates, their method of calculating this was tenuous at best, but focused around the abrupt and hasty increase in UK interest rates, which in turn would raise the cost of mortgages, and therefore lower demand for property, causing a drop in property prices.… and I would say, yes .. that will probably happen.

Cardiff Property Values


property values will probably drop in the coming 12 to 18 months – but by 18% - I am sorry I find that a little pessimistic and believe that figure was rhetoric to get homeowners and landlords to vote in a particular way. But the UK property market is quite a monster.

Since the last In/Out EU Referendum in June 1975,
property values in Cardiff have risen by 1342.8%

(That isn’t a typo) and whilst property prices did drop nationally by 18.7% between the peak of 2007 and bottom of the market in 2009, when one compares property values today in the country, compared to that all-time high of 2007, (the period before the financial crisis of the Credit Crunch of 2008/9) .. they are still up 10.14% higher.

Another Credit Crunch?

And so, notwithstanding the Credit Crunch, the worst global economic outlook since the 1930s and the recession it brought us, a matter of a few years later, the Government were panicking in 2012/3/4 that the housing market was a runaway train.

Now the same Credit Crunch doom-mongers and Sooth-Sayers that predicted soup kitchens in 2008/9 are predicting Brexit meltdown. Bad news sells newspapers. Stock markets may rise, stock markets may fall, yet the British public continued to buy property in 2009/10 and beyond. Aspiring first time buyers and buy to let landlords dusted themselves down, took a deep breath and carried on buying… because us Brit’s love our Bricks and Mortar... we need a roof over our head.

However, as mentioned previously, if the value of the pound drops, in the past UK Interest Rates have risen to reverse that drop. However, whilst a cheaper pound will make your pint of Sangria a little more expensive on your Spanish holiday this year and make your brand new BMW pricier .. it will make British export cheaper! Which is great for the economy.

Interest rates

… and what of interest rates? Since 2009, interest rates have been at 0.5% and lots of people have become accustomed to those sorts of levels. So what if interest rates rise .. end of the world? Interest rates in the 1986/88 property boom were on average 9.25%, the 1990’s they were on average around 6.5% and uber-boom years (when UK property values were rising by 20% a year for three or four straight years across the UK) .. 4.5%. Many of you reading this who are in their 50’s and older will remember interest rates at 15%.

But I suspect interest rates won’t rise that much anyway, as Mark Carney (Chief of the Bank Of England) knows, raising interest rates causes deflation – which is the last thing the British economy needs at the moment. In fact they have been printing money (aka Quantitative Easing) for the last few years (which causes inflation) to the tune of £375bn a month. A bit of inflation because the pound has slipped on the money markets (not too much mind you) might be a good thing?

.. because whilst property values might drop in the country, they will bounce back. It’s only a paper loss.. because it only becomes real if you sell. And if you have to sell, again as most people move up market when they sell, whilst your property might have dropped by 5% or 10%, the one you want to buy would have dropped by the same 5% to 10% .. and here is the best part – (and work your sums out) you would actually be better off because the more expensive property you would be purchasing would have come down in value (in actual pound notes) than the one you are selling.

The Cardiff landlords of the 4,701 Cardiff buy to let landlords have nothing to fear neither, nor do the 11,612 tenants living in their properties.

Buy to let is a long term investment. I think there might even be some buy to let bargains in the coming months as some people, irrespective of evidence, panic.  Even if we pull up the drawbridge at Dover and immigration stopped today, the British population will still increase at a rate that will exceed the current property building level. Britain is building 139,600 properties a year, but needs according to the eminent ‘Barker Review of Housing Supply Report’, the country needs to build about 250,000 properties a year to even stand still, and as the birth rate is increasing, the population is living longer and just under a quarter of all UK households now are occupied by a single person demand is only going up whilst supply is stifled. Greater demand than supply equals higher prices. That is definitely a fact.

So, what will happen next?

Well, there are many challenges ahead. The country has spoken and we are now in uncharted territory – but we have been through a couple of World Wars, an Oil Crisis, Black Monday, Black Wednesday, 15% interest rates and a Credit Crunch … and we survived!

And the value of your Cardiff property? It might have a short term wobble… but in the long term -it’s safe as houses regardless.

Hi All,

You may remember I posted a few weeks ago about a bungalow on King George V Drive east which while being beautifully presented I think is a little optimistic on the price. Well now another property has come to the market which I think looks a great buy.

It is on the market with Purple Bricks for £399,950 which seems like a fair price when you take into consideration it is on large corner plot and looks immaculate from the photos. The property further benefits from a large driveway and detached garage which is ideal for families that often have multiple cars.

If you are looking for a ready to move in family home in this great location then I would recommend getting a viewing booked in asap as I would be very surprised if this stayed on the market for long!

Take a look at the rest of the photos here http://www.zoopla.co.uk/for-sale/details/40847587

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Bungalow renovation on King George V Drive

Afternoon everyone!
Whilst the England /Wales match is on, I thought I would take a little browse on Zoopla. 
Today I found a stunning 3 bedroom bungalow on the market that's recently been renovated.
The property has three bedrooms and 4 reception rooms but I'm sure you could switch a few of the reception rooms to accommodate more bedrooms!The property is on sale for offers in the region of £750,000.

Whilst the property has been renovated to a high spec, I think the agent may have slightly overpriced the bungalow. I have taken a look at similar properties in the same area and one has recently sold  on King George V Drive at £650,000.The property that sold back in Feb is a 4 bed with modern kitchen and large garden and whilst I will agree that this property has been renovated to a high standard I would question if it's worth another £100,000.
I would look at offering in the range of £675,000-£700,000. 

If you want to arrange a viewing contact PM Premier Properties. 

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Heath – More people rent than have a mortgage

Heath – More people rent than have a mortgage

Many people think the British obsession with owning your home started with Thatcher in the early 1980’s, when she allowed council tenants to but their council houses, under the right to buy scheme. However, the growth actually started just after the Second World War. Looking at the country as a whole, in 1951, 30% of residential property were owner occupied, then every ten years that rose incrementally to 39% by 1961, 51% by 1971, 58% by 1981, 68.07% by 2001 but after that, it dropped to 63.4% by 2011 and continues to drop today.

After leaving home,early/mid twenties young adults tend to start to settle down and move out of the family home into their own home.  After a couple of years, they will have a choice of either buying their first house (albeit with mortgage) or decide to privately rent for the long term (because the Council House waiting list is measured in decades at the moment!). The ratio of people owning a house with a mortgage verses privately renting is an extremely important guide to what people are doing about their housing needs and what their attitude to renting vs buying is. This is a really important change in the way we live, as I explained to a local Heath homeowner the other day, knowing when and where the demand of tenants or buyers is going to come from in the coming decade is just as important as the knowing the supply side of the buy to let equation, in relation to number of properties built in the city, Heath property prices and Heath rents.

In the Heath area as whole, there are 632 households that are privately rented via a landlord or letting agency verses 2,083 households that are owned with a mortgage. However, when we look deeper (as the devil is always in the detail), 1,102 of those 2,083 households (with a mortgage) are 35 to 49 year old’s and 594 are households of 50 to 64 year olds. I would expect most the 50+ years to be paying their mortgage off as they enter retirement as I would with some of the people in their mid/late 40’s…people are taking longer to pay their mortgages off nowadays 

Meanwhile, at the other end, in the 25 to 34 age range (the age most people bought their first home in the 1970’s/80’s/90’s) only 283 of the 614 households occupied by those 25 and 34 year olds are owner occupiers with mortgages, because 277 households are privately rented by that age group (the rest being made up of rent free accommodation, living with family, local authority and housing association).

This means only 46.1% of 25 to 34 years, living in Heath, have bought their house (with a mortgage). Twenty years ago, that would have a much higher percentage of homeowners (between 75% to 85%).

It can be seen that as the older generation pay their mortgages off as they start to get to retirement and the younger generation aren’t jumping on the property ladder like they were 20 or 30 years ago, the private rental sector will take up the slack, as more and more people will want a roof over their head. With Local Authorities and Housing Associations not building houses in anywhere near the numbers that they were in the 1950’s, 60’ and 70’s, the private landlord appears to have good demand for their rental properties for many decades to come.

This will create a polarisation in the housing market between those, mostly older, households who own outright and those, mostly younger, households who rent. Our housing market is very much turning into a European model. However, all is not lost, the younger generation will inherit their parents properties, which in turn will enable them to buy, albeit later in life.
If you are a landlord or homeowner, and would like to read more articles like this and other information on the Heath Property Market, then please visit the Heath Property  Blog  : http://heath-property-blog.blogspot.co.uk/

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

3 Bed on Clodien Avenue

Morning all!

Whilst browsing Zoopla this morning I came across this beautifully presented 3 bed house on Clodien Avenue. As previously mentioned this is a great area whether you are looking for a family home or an investment purchase.

Peter Alan are currently advertising the property for £265,000 which I think is a little top end when comparing similar 3 beds in the area. There have been a few other properties on the market in the same street recently that have been in the region of £250,000 to £260,000. Now something to consider is that the other properties that were on the market didn't look as good condition as this particular one, This property looks immaculate from the photos so  you could move your family straight in or get it on the rental market straight away to start attracting good quality tenants.

If you are considering this as an investment you should be looking to achieve around £1000pcm which based on the current asking price will give you a yield of around 4.5%. Definitely one to consider if you are looking for a hassle free rental.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Investment opportunity in Pantbach road?

Afternoon all.

I thought I would show you a two bedroom flat I found on Zoopla that would suit an investor or a first time buyer.

The ground floor flat has two spacious bedrooms and well presented modern Lounge and kitchen which further benefits from it's own allocated parking space.

Mr Homes is currently advertising the property for offers between £179,950 and £184,950 and in my opinion I think I would aiming to make an offer towards the lower end of this band. I've done a bit of research about some other flats which have recently sold at the Monico  and back in 2015 one recently sold for £180,000 which was on the second floor and had 2 bathrooms.

When you consider what you could get for £180,00 I think that maybe £184,950 may be a little too high. 

Take a look at some more pictures on Zoopla, and see what you think!

Thursday, 12 May 2016

265 Heath Properties sold in the last 12 months

Heath attracts property hunters seeking a home in our suburb that strikes a wonderful balance between old and new. Luckily, just about every accommodation preference can be catered for here, from highly desirable detached houses which are perfect for families, popular early 20th Century bay front semis houses, imposing late Victorian terraced houses and modern luxury apartments dotted around the suburb. But with newspapers giving mixed messages on what is exactly happening in Cardiff, let us have a look at what has happened over the last 12 months, in particular, what type of property is actually selling.

Of the 265 Heath properties that have changed hands in the last 12 months, most of those sales were semi detached house properties (106 semi detached houses to be precise in fact) which on average sold for £281,341. The 101 terraced Heath properties had an average sale price of £211,962 and 42 Heath apartments/flats had an average sale price of £128,679. The rest were detached houses.

Heath, with an overall average price of £233,658, was similar in terms of sold prices to nearby Birchgrove £229,790, but was more expensive than the overall Cardiff average of £205,431 yet cheaper than Lakeside at £305,246. Interestingly, over the past year average house prices in Heath were 5% up on the year before and 10% up on 2007 when they averaged at £213,366. Interestingly, the length of time it takes to sell a Heath property has also come down. The time it takes to sell a Heath terraced house has come down 46%, as it took 81 days on average in 2010 and today its 44 days. Other figures for other types of Heath can be quite clearly seen in the graph below.

I think it is safe to say no matter what is happening elsewhere, the Heath property market is doing just fine!

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Flat for first time buy!

Afternoon everyone!
Hope you all had a lovely bank holiday and are enjoying the sunshine we're getting today!

I've found a lovely 2 bed flat in Phoenix Way today which is perfect for anyone looking for a first time home!

The ground floor flat has a large reception room with an open plan modern kitchen and benefits from being close to the heath hospital making it an ideal first time buy for any young professionals wanting to get on the property ladder.

Peter Alan currently have the property advertised for £130,000 and if you were to take a look at the property as an investment opportunity  then I think you could expect a monthly rent of £650 which would give you a yield of 6% which is pretty good if you ask me!

So if you are looking at this property as an investment or a first time buy make sure you book in a viewing!

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Ton-yr-Ywen catchment area properties outperform Cardiff average by 76%

I was having a chat with a Cardiff property investor the other day, when he asked if schools, especially primary schools, affected the local property market in terms of demand from buyers and tenants to a property. Anecdotally, I have always known this to be true, a good school creates good demand and good demand
does affect house prices. So, I asked my colleagues on the front line, who take the phone calls from people putting themselves on our mailing list and they confirmed that most people cite location as their number one factor.

After looking through our mailing list, it confirms there is a close correlation between the high demand areas of Cardiff and the close proximity to a good primary school. Talking to my team in a recent morning meeting, they agreed many people would look to  increase their budget quite significantly, whilst others would consider downgrading their property requirements to be close to a good primary school.

Those of you who regularly read this blog will know I like a challenge, so I decided to look at the science behind these assumptions. According to the School Guide website, Ton-yr-Ywen Primary School is one of the best primary schools in Cardiff. Its figures are certainly impressive. Their last ESTYN Report was very good. There is also an excellent pupil/teacher ratio of 22.8:1. Looking at property sales within a quarter of a mile of Ton-yr-Ywen, property values have risen in value since 2002 by 147.88% whilst according the Land Registry, the Cardiff average as a whole has risen in the same time frame by 83.67%.

That means the parents of Ton-yr-Ywen have seen the values of their properties rise proportionally 76% more than the Cardiff average ... interesting don’t you think?

However, whilst a good primary school significantly contributes more to house prices, the same can’t be said for secondary schools. There are two reasons for this, firstly, as secondary schools are much larger, so their catchment areas are correspondingly much larger, meaning parents don’t need to live so close to the school. Secondly, in the UK, whilst the difference between the top 25% and bottom 25% of secondary schools is not insignificant, in the primary school sector, the difference between the top 25% and bottom 25% is, according to the London School of Economics, is considerably and significantly more.

Many other Cardiff landlords, both who are with us and many who are with other Cardiff agents, like to pop in for a coffee or ring/email us to  discuss the Cardiff property market, to consider how Cardiff compares with its closest rivals and hopefully we can answer all their questions. You must take lots of advice and seek out the best opinion. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Investment opportunity on Allensbank Road

Morning everyone!

Thank god Spring is finally making an appearance!

Today I found a lovely 3 bed terraced house on Allensbank Road which I think would be a good investment opportunity.

The property has three good sized bedrooms  and a modern kitchen which would suit a family looking to live close to the Heath hospital.  The house has recently been renovated so no need to worry about brushing up on your DIY skills as the property appears to be ready to go.

I think you could get a monthly rent of £950 PCM which works out at a yield of 4.5% which I think is a pretty good investment. Peter Alan are currently advertising the property for £249,950 so give them a call to arrange a viewing.


Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Beautiful family home for sale in St Aidan Crescent

Afternoon everyone. 

Hope you're looking forward to the Easter holidays. If you're planning to spend those extra few days off house hunting,make sure you take a look at this stunning family home on St Aidan Crescent. 

This three bed home has a modern and well looked after kitchen /family room with french doors opening up to a large back garden. 

I think this would make a great home for a growing family but could even be a good investment opportunity for someone looking for a buy to let property. From having a look at the photos the house seems to be in a very good condition, meaning the property would be ready to go for your tenants. 

I think you could expect a rental income of around £1000 a month with a potential of around 4% and with a location like you won't struggle with those vacant periods. 

Check out Allen & Harris who are advertising the property.  It's on sale for £300,000 and you can click on the link below for more details. 

Friday, 11 March 2016

Ideal Buy to Let Investment on Tatham Road, Heath

Hi Everyone! Hope you are all looking forward to this weekends rugby game Wales V England!

Whilst I was having a browse through Zoopla today a one bed flat caught my eye as it may make a great investment. It is on Tatham Road, which is a great location for prospective tenants It has a spacious open plan lounge and kitchen, double bedroom and bathroom. It also benefits from an allocated parking. The photos look good, the decoration is nice and neutral and it already looks ready for a tenant - ideal!

I would suggest you should be achieving a rental in the region of £575 which will mean a yield of 5.8%

It has just come on the market with Simsons Estates for a very reasonable £119,500 so I would arrange a viewing sooner rather than later if you are interseted! Click below for more photos


Friday, 26 February 2016

Great investment opportunity on Manor Street

Happy Friday all!

I have found a fantastic investment property in the new exclusive development 'The Abode'.

What's not to like about this top floor apartment ! As you can see from the pictures it's a stylish and modern two double bedroom flat which also has a balcony.

You will not struggle to find the perfect tenant as the apartment is in a sought after area- right around the corner from the heath hospital and in close proximity to the city center. With the added bonus of having an allocated parking space and also the convenience of a Sainsbury's below the flat, they'll be snapping it from your hands!

Moginie James are advertising the property for £205,000  and I'd get in quickly,as I can't see these apartments sticking around for long!


Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Stunning detached family home!

Hello everyone!

Hope you've all been enjoying this beautiful sunshine we've been having lately! 

I thought I would show you this stunning 4 bed detached house in King George V drive West. The property is on the market with Cardiff Residential Estates for £650,000 and boasts of having heath park right on your doorstep!

With a large back garden you'll have plenty of room to enjoy the British sunshine and even when the rain pours you can keep the kids entertained with the family games room. 

This modern family home has four bedrooms , three reception rooms and also an extended kitchen. If you're looking for a high end property in the heath area this one certainly ticks all the boxes! Cardiff residential estates are opening the viewings soon so make sure to keep an eye out on their website!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

4 Bed House on Kyle Crescent

Evening all!
Hope you all had a lovely valentines Day!

Today, I've seen this stunning four bed property in Kyle Crescent for £339,950 advertised on Zoopla. 
The loft is converted into a master bedroom as well as a recently remodeled kitchen. 

The bonus to this property is that if you want to extend the house from the rear, it already has full planning consent! So you could even extend that lovely kitchen to create a joining dining room that opens onto the garden. 

Morgan's are advertising the property and have a open house this Saturday (20th February) , so book in an appointment quick to avoid disappointment!